Thursday, February 22, 2007

tastes like ketchup.

scene: at sushi place with the bots jrs.

bots: just try it. it's sauce.
bots jr: what does it taste like?
bots: um... it doesn't really taste like anything you've had.
*pushes gyoko sauce closer to bots jr*
*bots jr sticks finger in it so a tiny bit gets on it*
bots jr: umm.. ew. no.
bots: try it or.. um.. no ice cream!
bots jr: ack. um...does it taste like ketchup?
bots: yeah, sure, whatever.. you like ketchup, just try it.
*bots jr finally tries it*
bots jr: EWWWW, it tastes like KETCHUP!
bots: ...

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